Taking Responsibility – Fully Choosing Anything
I feel like taking responsibility is the next big theme of my life.
This weekend at the Being Business Intensive with Moritz Lembert and Ria Bauhofer I noticed how much I was still complaining about things not working out in my life – what is unwanted and yet persists.
Though this time I realised that I wasn’t doing anything with it. I was just complaining.
I wasn’t choosing doing or not doing something about it. I was just complaining, which is a great way to tell myself I don’t have a choice, that I can’t do anything about it, that I am hopelessly a victim of what is happening…
All bullsh*t.
But it’s what we do to get the easy way out.
To avoid responsibility.
To remain powerless.
How selfish!
Holding on to “I don’t have power” is the perfect way to blame the world, waiting to be saved and be self-consumed.
One of the most powerful things I’ve heard today was when Ria said something like “You can totally not go for what you want in life, but if you do, own that! Be clear with you about that. Be complete with that and say to others I am not doing that.”
“Choose to go for it! Fully! And own that.”
But don’t stay in the middle.
It’s in the gray zone that you suffer. By telling yourself the bullshit story of how powerless you are.
If you keep saying to yourself you should go to the gym but don’t go. Fully choose to go or fully choose to not go. And be a stand for your choice no matter what it is.
You may choose to be fat and sedentary. Great. There’s no shame or judgment in that. It’s a choice.
When we fully choose, there’s no thinking about it anymore. There’s no chatter. There are no explanations or reasonings. Because it’s done!
So if there’s anything you are reluctant in your life, anything you feel unsure of or doubtful about, it’s really worth looking if you ACTUALLY made a full choice in that area or not – most likely not.
Be blessed,
Taking Responsibility – Fully Choosing Anything Read More »